The first time I saw
Nicki Lynch I was half drunk at Clairvoyant-Con steeped in a self-induced haze
to drown out the hundreds of ghostly voices which always seemed to be calling
me. I didn’t want to do something as
cheesy as a psychic convention but back then I didn’t have much choice – Jess
had just left me and he was asking for a hefty sum in the divorce settlement. Rather than stay home and drink myself into
oblivion, I took it on the road and did some questionable conferences just for
the money.
So there I was at my
own forum – feeling that familiar buzz that made the other worldly chatter fade
into the background. I saw this fresh
faced teen-age girl tentatively raise her hand and ask me a question. “I think I might be a sensitive and I wanted
to know what it’s like to be a medium,” she stood there beaming because she
finally got the courage to ask me a question.
And how did I reward her bravery?
I started a tirade about how it sucked to be me – to talk to dead people
all the time and never get a break. She
sat down defeated. I had taken the wind out
of her sails. She looked down unable to
make eye contact with anyone. I wanted
to apologize on the spot but then a redneck called me a fake at my own fucking
forum so I beat the shit out of him in front of my audience and was quickly escorted
out of “Clairvoyant Con.” Click here to see the video of what happened.
I later found out that
Nicki had never really recovered from our run-in and thought about giving up on
being a psychic forever. Bob the Atheist
Ghost intervened by hacking into my Amazon account and sending a $1,000 gift
card to her family to enjoy for the holidays as a peace offering. He also set up a Skype meeting to break the
ice before we finally met in person.

So here I was on a
dark, steamy Georgia summer night meeting Nicki again in person in a haunted
forest near a subdivision. We were there
to do an investigation so I could gage her skill level. I wanted to still feel like it was safe for a
relative neophyte to work with the undead because a medium of my stature was
there to mentor her.
I had placed some
citron candles near the location sightings to help entice the ghosts but from a
practical level – it kept the mosquitoes away. I tried to get a read on the location.
I breathed slowly and quietly. I
could hear the sound of the brook near-by.
I could see a few flashes of things that had happened in these woods –
some good and some bad but I tried to keep my mind open and relaxed for
whatever and whoever might want to contact me.
I felt lazar focused and relaxed which is the way I like to go into
these investigations because tension can throw my readings off big time. But my peace started to turn to irritation – my
breath started to get short and my blood pressure was rising. I opened my eyes and quickly rolled them up
to the heavens.
“Hey Princess – what’s
shaking? Is Nicki here yet?” asked Bob like a child waiting for their favorite
baby sitter to arrive. Bob’s glasses
slid slightly down his nose and he pushed them back quickly. Some ghosts hold onto the familiar – for Bob
it was his glasses, plaid button up shirt and khaki slacks with loafers. His
gray hair was always a bit unkempt and he had a hard time with boundaries. For instance he would ask me questions
anytime – anywhere – even in the shower.
He also annoyed the other ghosts because he’d try to explain them away
as some sort of Jungian or Freudian personality arch-type of his own
psyche. In his mind, Bob was not dead
and this ghost-like existence he was in was just a long existential dream – one
in which I was supposed to help him “wake-up” from. By far, he has been the hardest ghost for me
to help move to the next level.
As analytical as Bob
could get – he also wanted to be truly helpful and solve problems. So he felt a sense of ownership since he had
fixed my transgression with Nicki and got us together over Christmas. As indirectly sweet as that was – I really
wished he had stayed back at my place playing Dungeons and Dragons on-line.
Ghosts can be greatly influenced
by other spirits. An apparition can
literally be “jumped” and manipulated by another entity just like a human can
be taken over by a demon. Bob’s
disbelief put him in harm’s way and it was impossible to tell what might happen
if he met up with the wrong kind of ghost.
“Sooo- what are you
going to say when you see Nicki in person– “ nudged Bob. “I’ll know what to say when I see her,” I
responded trying not to let my annoyance show.
Just then a young voice said “Hi Miss Sophia.” I turned and saw a beam of light in the dark
woods. It was Nicki and she was
literally beaming because we were meeting in person – no Skype, no Clairvoyant
Con – just the two of us – well the two of us and Bob. “Nicki – it’s so good to see you!” I said giving her a genuine but uncharacteristic
hug. She hugged back and then Bob piled
on and hugged the both of us. “Okay,
this is the good stuff,” he said proudly “brought to you by me.” Nicki smiled back –
she could see and hear Bob. Her wavy
blond hair caught the moonlight and she seemed just as sweet as the first time
I had seen her. Even with all the crap
that came down on her as a result of the video that someone shot of us at
Clairvoyant-Con and posted on YouTube – you could tell she was still an
optimist – still trusting in the good in everyone - even me and Bob. I really hoped that we would not misplace
that trust.
“Okay sweetie,” I
started – “ I wanted you to help me with
this case because apparently it’s a teenage ghost according to the people who
have seen her and maybe she might be open to someone her own age rather than
–“ “Rather than someone who is old
enough to be her mother – I mean really – what teen would want advice from
someone that old?” said Bob
matter-of-factly. He then realized how
that sounded. “Oh, wait – you’re not old
to me but to a teen – you’re ancient. To
me – you’re smoking hot in all the right places –“ Nicki started to laugh. “Okay, Bob, enough- you’ve made your point,”
I replied realizing I really needed to get another lock for my bathroom door –
one that would keep out ghosts.
The air started to
get a little cooler and I saw Nicki shiver slightly. “Are you okay?” I asked feeling a little
unsure myself since I usually did investigations alone and I didn’t want to put
her in harm’s way. “I’m okay, Miss
Sophia but I think there’s something that does not want us here.” I had to agree – the sense of tranquility I
had before had now been replaced by a sense of oppressive dread. We heard the plants around us start to shake
even though the air was still and there was no wind to stir things up. Nicki’s head started to bend back and she
let out a gasp. “Something just pulled
my hair really hard,” she said trying to keep her voice even. “It’s okay, I’m here – “ I replied trying to
calm things down. “You girls are just
imagining things – there’s no such things as ghos-“ Bob started but then
stopped half way through.

His eyes started to get big and he stepped back. I looked in the same direction and saw what looked like a demonic head in the trees. It’s face was dripping black blood and the eyes were gone- just black sockets. There were horns raising from its head and and it’s mouth was moving like it was making some sort of incantation. “Okay this is bad –this is really bad” - I said getting ready to grab Nicki and make a run for it.
I then saw a young
female ghost who literally seemed to be trapped behind the demon faced
tree. She looked like someone out of a 1980’s
MTV music video. Her hair was a vintage bad perm and her red jacket
looked like it had large shoulder pads.
She seemed to be about 14 or 15 and looked scared. I was trying to determine if she was indeed a
child ghost or if this was some type of trick this demon was playing (many
times demons pose as children to gain your trust). Nicki
started running towards the girl out of instinct rather than waiting for my
cue. “Nicki – no you don’t know if she’s
– “ I saw the girl start to run toward
the both of us – I reached out to Nicki to try to stop her. “Seriously? C’mon ladies it’s just a teenage girl – how
dangerous could she be?” spoken by a person who had never really experienced a
hormonal adolescent female either living or dead. “Bob,” I replied, “just keep your mouth shut
– I mean really stop talking.” “Hey you
can’t silence me and that devil face in the trees – that indicates that my
personal demons want to come out but are held back by my ‘Tree of Life’ – they
are in a constant battle for balance.
You have to read between the lines or you’ll never get me to ‘wake-up’,”
Bob said with his fingers in air quotes when he said the words “wake-up.”
I caught up to Nicki
who was face to face with the teenage ghost.
The poor thing looked legitimate.
I could tell that she had died from a drug overdose in these woods. “Miss Sophia, she took some bad pills and
wanted to change her mind, but someone wouldn’t let her make it out alive,”
said Nicki with tears in her eyes. It’s
tough learning the back story on these ghosts and not getting affected but our
job as mediums was not to get too involved and help them move onto the next
level. “I know Nicki – it can be tough
to feel their emotions but we need to protect our feelings –“ I started and
once again was interrupted by Bob. “Oh,
sweet suffering Jesus, (who I don’t believe in by the way) this is why you woman have a hard time being
taken seriously in business – too many emotions,” said Bob in such a
condescending tone that I nearly smacked him.
“Woman can be leaders of entire countries– Margaret Thatcher has the
brass balls to prove it!” said the young ghost who I was instantly impressed
with. “Hey you need to respect your
elders young lady- “ Bob fired back figuring that would be the end of
that. “You have to earn my respect asshole!”
she retorted. I had to admit I was
beginning to have some genuine admiration for this ghost.
Nicki let out a
nervous giggle and asked the girl her name.
“I’m Lara Pembrook. I’m sorry
that the demon showed himself. That
generally doesn’t bode well for the people who see him,” she said sadly. “How did you end up here? Why did you take your life?” I asked while also keeping an eye out for the
Lara took a deep
breath and started to shake. Having to
tell or even relive the time of death is very traumatic for ghosts but it’s the
only way I could help her. “I was there
the night that Samantha was killed just a few miles from here – in a creek. Allison made us confront her when we thought
she was cheating with Allison’s boyfriend.
Things got heated and Allison threw a big rock at Samantha’s head. There was blood everywhere – but she might
have lived. Allison freaked out and
made us put Samantha’s body into the deepest part of the creek and weigh it
down with rocks. We then tried to
pretend like nothing happened even when all the missing person stuff hit the
news and the police questioned us –
“ “That’s so horrible - I’m so sorry –
“ said Nicki who was quivering. “I would
see Samantha’s parents at church – devastated and praying to for a
miracle. I wanted to tell them the truth
but Allison told me if I went to the police – she and the other kids would say
it was my idea and that I threw the rock.
I just couldn’t live with myself anymore so I came here to – to – “ her
voice trailed off and she looked exhausted.
“Nicki – you said someone would not let her leave – was that
demon?” I asked knowing the answer- I
wanted to see if Nicki did too. “No, the
demon made her want to commit suicide but it was Allison that found her and could
have saved her but Allison was so afraid of what could happen if she told the
truth that she just Lara overdose rather than trying to get help,” Nicki said
quietly with tears coming down her face.
“This is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard Miss Sophia.” “The police
found me a day later. I wanted to find
Samantha’s ghost and tell her I was sorry – but the demon would not let me
leave these woods – he marked me and I was his now,” Lara finished
“Wow, this Allison
sounds like a real bitch!” pronounced Bob hoping to join in and be part of the
group. I looked over at Lara who started
to laugh – “You’re right asshole – she is a bitch!” The four of us started to chuckle but it was
cut short by the sound of an evil bellow through the woods.
“Good God, (I don’t believe in that either) what was
that?” Bob asked as he ducked behind me and Nicki. “That’s the demon – he doesn’t like me
talking to people and now that you know my story – you might not make it out
either,” Lara said realizing that she might have just sealed our doom.
The woods started to
get stone cold – like the kind of cold in winter when there is no wind but just
ice everywhere. Nicki started to get
scared – “I don’t want something bad to happen here Miss Sophia, I promised my
mother I’d be okay,” she said shivering.
I held her tight and looked into her eyes. “I know and I should have given you more of a
primer before our investigation but I honestly didn’t think it would get this
serious.” “Yup, dream wise – this is
pretty fucking bad –“ Bob stated. “Okay,
Nicki – at the point that the demon comes close to us – you need to pull out this
vile of salt and throw it in his face.
I’ll use the holy water and to sanctify the ground. I have the 23rd Psalm – which can
also nullify the demon long enough to free Lara and get all of us to
safety,” I said feeling pretty confident
with my plan.
The bellowing
continued and sounded like it was getting closer. The grass started to move on its own and the
pace of the steps got louder. There was
a loud groan and then it got silent. I
looked around – Nicki was close to me and looked scared as did Lara but they
seemed unharmed.
Suddenly Bob’s icy
hand grabbed at the front of my shirt and he pushed me down hard. “So, you thought you could get rid of me –
didn’t you Princess?” Bob’s eyes had a
weird look in them - it was obvious that the demon had jumped him. My heart started to race as I struggled to
get up. “Miss Sophia!” Nicki screamed trying to find the vile of
salt that I had given her. “You two
thought you could banish me from these woods – an old drunk medium and a
neophyte – rather ambitious wouldn’t you say?
I’ve been here for hundreds of
years – through the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, lynchings. I’ve made good people do very bad things but
nothing they didn’t really want to do it’s just that the fear of God kept them
from doing it. But I freed them from
that – it was only the fear of me they had to worry about. It’s not lost on me the irony that a medium
who talks to the dead might be the next one to haunt these woods.” I finally got back on my feet but Bob grabbed
me by the throat and started to push me against a tree.
“You don’t have to do
this Bob – I know you’re in there,” I said trying to coax him out so he could
take control. “Are you really trying to
reach that Atheist twit? The non-believers
– the ones that trust logic over everything else are the easiest to
manipulate,” he tightened his grip on my throat and it was getting harder to
talk. “Look, you need to leave this
place once and for all – you don’t need to do this,” I said barely able to get
the words out.
“Leave Miss Sophia
alone,” Nicki said as she threw salt in Bob’s face. “Table salt, really?! Now that is a bit insulting – it stings a bit
but nothing I can’t handle,” Nicki
started to say the 23rd Psalm, “The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not
want –“ but the demon just laughed. “That
is so text book. You women are so simple minded and weak – you go on a few
websites and think you can vanquish me?
You are nothing more than slaves to your emotions and hormones –weepy
and bitchy when that time of the month rolls around. But in just a few minutes
after I kill the both of you- you will be slaves to me and not your hormones or
menstrual cycles!” the demon started to laugh at his own quip.
“Oh no you didn’t. You pathetic asshole! I’m not going to let you kill them – even if
it means I’ll never get out of here!”
“How dare you defy me,” the demon shot back, “if you were smart instead of
an emotional little harpee, you would join with me and kill them – then I might
go easy on you.” “I want to be free from
you - from all of this and I don’t care what I have to do to get it,” she then
brandished a tree branch like a sword and hit him over the head. Stunned, he stumbled back.
“Nicki – close it
now,” I shouted hoarsely. Nicki grabbed
the copper wire that was nearby as I started to run out of the semi-circle that
we had created around the tree with iron nails and wire. Her hands shook as she tried to close it and
she kept on dropping the spool of wire.
It began to dawn on the demon that we were ensnaring him. He started to crawl towards the opening. Lara tried to push him back towards the tree
with the branch. He grabbed my leg and
started to pull hard. “Get back here you bitch,” he howled. I pushed forward trying to help Nicki close
that gap before he could escape. My
hands reached the iron nail and closed the circle just as he was about to
pounce. “No!” he howled loud enough to
make the trees shake.
Once the circle of
cooper wire and iron was closed – the demon couldn’t walk outside of it. Nicki grabbed Lara and they ran to another
safe spot – a circle of rock salt which would keep any other bad spirits away
from them. I kicked the demon back and
jumped outside of the copper circle. I ran
over to the girls. “Are you both
okay?” “Yes, Miss Sophia,” said Nicki, “I
did just what you told me.” “But what
about Bob?” asked Lara afraid that he would be part of the woods forever.
“Yes, what about
Bob?” said the demon who was still in Bob’s ghostly body. “You destroy me, you destroy him. And since he’s an atheist, there will be no
redemption. Let me go and he has a
chance.” “I knew this might happen and
I was willing to make that sacrifice – “ I said sadly. “Miss Sophia, no not Bob, we can’t leave him
here!” Nicki begged. “No, Miss Sophia, I can’t let you do this,”
Lara cried. The demon smiled. “You see Sophia, you can be the good guy and
let Bob exist as a ghost or kill his soul and leave him in all consuming
darkness for eternity – it’s up to you.”
“I’m –
I’m so sorry – goodbye Bob –“ I said with a tear running down my face. For a second – the demon’s eyes changed and I
could see Bob standing there – “Hey don’t Sophia – please – “ I hesitated for a
moment then threw black salt in his face.
He let out a yell and fell to his knees.
Nicki wimpered. “Girls please
look away,” I shouted.
I then pulled a sage stick, matches and some
herbs that I had hidden under a bush. I
lit the sage stick which was mixed with copal, rue and angelica and made the sign
of the cross over him. His body started
to shake and an unearthly moaning filled the forest. “For the record – I knew that regular salt
and 23rd Psalm would not work – they were a diversion but this stuff
is the real deal. It seems like a bunch of
emotional females are finally the ones to take you down.” The demon started to back away from the
smoke but could not escape it. I started
to recite the 91st Psalm. “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my
refuge and my fortress - my God, in whom I trust’…”
With each line, the demon got weaker and weaker. By the time I uttered the last lines,
“Because he loves me says the Lord, I will rescue him; I
will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will
call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him
in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show
him my salvation,” the demon let out one last groan and exited Bob’s ghostly
The three of us stood
in the forest looking at the tree where the demon had been and saw only Bob
laying under the tree – not moving –not doing anything. “Is Bob, is he gone?” Nicki asked choking
back sobs. “I think so, Nicki – I didn’t
want this to happen but I couldn’t let another person get hurt by that demon,” I
said feeling more sad about Bob leaving then happy that the demon was banished. Lara
looked sad as well. “I’m sorry he had to
go – that asshole was beginning to grow on me.” We all started to laugh and cry at the same
“Hey stop with the
asshole stuff, okay? I know I can be a little hard to take,” said Bob who was
getting up slowly from under the tree.
“Oh my God, Bob!” I said happily which surprised me more than
anyone. “Bob, you’re okay!” said
Nicki. “Sure why wouldn’t I be – hey
what’s with the copper circle thingy?”
he said not remembering what had just happened which was probably for
the best. “Not much Bob, we got rid of
that personal demon and now we need to send Lara on her way.” I bent down and undid the copper wire so Bob
could walk out. “You mean I can
actually leave the forest?” Lara asked wondering what to do with herself. “You can – you can ascend up to heaven if
that’s what you want to do.” “I do, but
I have to apologize to someone first,” Lara said, “then I’ll be able to walk
into the light.” We gave her a hug and
she slowly faded out of the forest with a big smile on her face.
“Do you think she’ll
find Samantha and tell her how sorry she is?” asked Nicki. “I think that’s the first thing on her to-do
list,” I replied feeling relived that the night was over. “Nicki, did you know about all this stuff?”
asked Bob pointing to the smudge stick, the wires and iron nails. “Well Bob,
Nicki and I had conversations that you were not privy to on Skype. She needed to be prepared for anything that
happened,” I replied. “Sooo- how did she
do?” Bob asked feeling like the metaphysical match maker. “She passed with flying colors – I think she
will make an excellent medium,” I said giving Nicki another hug.
“Okay, but I thought
tonight was more about my feelings of inadequacy as far as relationships go which
was one of my personal demons. I managed to get you two to work together – so
wouldn’t that mean that feelings of emotional demonization should subside and I
should wake up?” Bob asked hopefully thinking this was the tail end of his
dream and still not grasping that he was dead. “Maybe you still have a few more lessons to
learn,” I explained quickly. “Can we
hurry this lesson stuff up, I’m pretty sure the Dragon Con Convention is in the
next couple of days and I’m supposed to go as Mr. Spock,” Bob said hopefully.
“You’re funny and
kinda weird, Bob,” Nicki chuckled. “You
have no idea kid!” Bob replied also laughing.
“Bob, why don’t you go back to my place – I got this new game called Savage Kingdoms – it sounds pretty
challenging and way better then Dungeons
and Dragons –“ I suggested hoping he’d finally leave the forest. “Sure thing – you’re coming back after you
drop Nicki off, right?” “Yes, Bob – I’ll
see you later,” I assured him and he faded out.
“He’s never going to
get it is he?” Nicki asked feeling sorry
for him. “I tried to get him to be there
when they discovered his body, but I think he was afraid of the truth. But for right now, I’m stuck with him and
frankly he does keep me on my toes,” “He’s a handful alright,” Nicki quipped. “That he is Nicki, that he is,” I laughed.
“Now, the first rule
of being a medium after a night like tonight – we ground with lots of junk food
– Dairy Queen – my treat!” I said
suddenly feeling famished and in dire need of a hamburger, fries and a Blizzard. “You can call your Mom and ask
her to meet us there. And when you talk
about this – let’s just leave out the demon part and just say we got Lara to go
onto the next level,” I suggested knowing that her Mom would freak is she knew
her sweet daughter had a run-in with a demonic presence.
“Yes, Miss Sophia,
I’d like that,” said Nicki. We got into
the car and started to drive out of the forest.
There was a bright light and for a nano-second we saw Lara laughing as
she sped up to the sky. We both looked
at each other and smiled. “Bob was right
Miss Sophia, this is the good stuff.”
Sophia Gardeen is a nationally recognized medium and is currently working on the show Ghost Wanderers for the Supernatural Channel. She also makes on hell of a good butterscotch blondie. For more info - go to .
Sophia Gardeen is a nationally recognized medium and is currently working on the show Ghost Wanderers for the Supernatural Channel. She also makes on hell of a good butterscotch blondie. For more info - go to .