I remember how much my black Hush Puppy penny loafers were rubbing
my heel raw on my first day of Kindergarten. I just wanted to wear
my jeans and a t-shirt with my old sneakers, but my mother insisted that I wear
a dress with ruffles with the new shoes. I was scared because this was the
first time I would be around other little kids who were not my cousins. I
also had developed the ability to see dead people during the summer.
Couple that with the fact that my father had separated from my mother at the
same time and you had a perfect storm for my first day of school.
My mother had tried to limit my exposure to outsiders in the
last few weeks of summer because she was afraid that another ghost would spill
more family secrets. Besides my mother, I got to spend time with Etta who
I loved and the feeling was mutual. Her sons were in their teens so
having a little girl who idolized her probably felt pretty good. She was
not freaked out about the fact that I could see ghosts. She was
originally from New Orleans where tales of ghosts and voodoo were quite common.
On the days when mother was losing patience with me, Etta would say
“Miss Laura, I’ll keep an eye on Sophia while you lie down.”
Mother would smile
gratefully and go to her room for a few hours while Etta and I made cookies and
talked before I went to bed. I looked forward to those times with her
because it felt like this is what a mother should be. She was the most
beautiful woman I had ever seen, her dark skin, eyes and hair seemed to exude
an exotic beauty I would never have.
“Child,” she said while brushing my long blond hair one night
before bed, “You have the gift - there is no mistake about that, but you have
to be careful. There are people around here that don’t like others being
different. When you are with the other folks out there, you have to fit
in. You can talk to me about ghosts all you want, but don’t be troubling
your mother or other people because they won’t understand it. Folks just hate what they don’t understand,”
she said with the sad resignation of a black woman who had lived in the south
all her life. Even if it was 1969 and TV was becoming integrated, the
real South was not going quietly into that good night and I just couldn't
understand that.
“Yes, ma’am, but how come being different is so bad?” I asked
with such childlike innocence it almost made Etta cry.
“People like what they know Sophia and they want to destroy what
they fear. Now let’s say our prayers.” Etta had taught me Psalms
to keep the bad spirits away and how to keep the good ones nearby. When we
finished praying I would hug her with all my might. She would tuck me in,
kiss my forehead and wave as she closed the door.
“That woman is a God send, and I should know,” said Grandpappy-
the ghost of my great grandfather. He would visit me every night carrying
the ghost of my baby cat Sassy who had been hit by a car three months
“She’s right about folks thinking you’re different. Hell
it’s been over a 100 years and you got folks still fighting the Civil War - you
think they are going to embrace civil rights? You need to be careful
Sophia. When you start school, try to fit in and if you see ghosts, try
to ignore them.”
“Yes sir, Grandpappy - I will,” I said with all the steely
determination a Kindergarten child could muster.
That summer, I asked my mother if I could have a TV in my room
she relented because it meant that I would stay upstairs and out of her way
when she had company. Etta and I would watch Diane Carroll in Julia.
I would see the world through this TV lens of integrated possibilities and it seemed
so much more interesting and exciting then the people I saw day to day except
for my Etta. She was the one person in the world who loved me for me and
not for the person that my mother wanted me to be.
So here we were on the first day of school - my mother and
I standing at the gates of Blue Lakes Elementary. My mother wanted an
exclusive private school but my father bulked at the price and thought that a
newly desegregated public school would do me good.
“Now Sophia, play nice with the other children and don’t do
anything strange, I’m begging you – please don’t,” mother said in an
uncharacteristically pleading tone.
“I know, Etta and Grandpappy told me not to,” I replied. My
mother winced when I said Grandpappy since she knew he was one of the ghosts I
talked to.
“Hello, I’m Chrissie Bentley, I’ll be your child’s Kindergarten
teacher. Now who do we have here?”
Miss Bentley had just graduated
with a Master’s in Early Childhood education from Georgia State. She was
young, pretty and wore a flowery blouse with a short skirt and white boots -
professional and mod at the same time.
“This is Sophia, and she’s a little shy,” mother replied.
“Well, everyone is shy on the first day, but there are lots of children to play with,” said Miss Bentley.
“Well, everyone is shy on the first day, but there are lots of children to play with,” said Miss Bentley.
“Look those girls might want to be your friend,” mother replied
hopefully. One of the little girls from a group near the playground ran
up and introduced herself.
“Hello, my name is Betty - wanna play?” I squeezed my
mother’s hand tighter not wanting her to leave but she made a point of letting
go anyway.
“Now go on Sophia - this is a new start for you- take it.”
Mother said hopefully and left quickly scarcely looking back.
Betty took my hand and smiled. She brought me over to a
group of girls playing with dolls. They had blond hair, frilly dresses
and new shoes like mine. They told me I was pretty and handed me a doll
to play with. I saw two other girls with dark skin sitting in the corner
talking but they didn’t have dolls. They had big brown eyes with long
eyelashes and braids with brightly colored hair ties with large florescent
beads on the end. They looked sad so I did what any right thinking six-year-old
would have done, I asked the other girls if they could join us.
“No Sophia, those Negro girls can’t - we don’t have enough
dolls,” said Betty with an irritating air of authority.
“They can have my doll,” I said trying to easily solve the
problem. “That ain’t it,” said Sherry - one of the other white girls, “we
just don’t want to play with them.”
“Why not?” I asked still not comprehending their narrow way of
“Because, they are colored!” Betty said and shot an exasperated look at me
that showed that I lacked the basic ability to grasp the obvious. I sat quietly
and I tried to stay with those white girls. I tried to blend in.
But I felt sick to my stomach. It just felt wrong.
I knew those other girls felt excluded and I knew how that felt.
I saw the ghost of a young black man in uniform sitting next to them,
trying to get their attention to let them know he was there. He looked
over at me and we made eye contact. I looked away, not because I was
scared, but because I was not supposed to talk to ghosts. I had promised
mother, Grandpappy and more importantly, I had promised Etta. I
understood now why the girls were so sad. This man was their father who
was killed in Vietnam. I just sat there with my eyes closed hoping he
would go away, but when I opened them he was next to me speaking to me softly,
trying to comfort me.
“Hey there little miss,” he said with a kind voice, “I know you
can see me - don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you.”
“I know you won’t,” I said back.
“I won’t what?” asked Betty thinking I was talking to her.
Thinking fast, I said, “I won’t bother you, I’m going to get
another toy,” I walked over to side of the playground where the sports
equipment was. The young soldier followed me.
“I’m not supposed to talk to ghosts,” I whispered hoping no one
could hear me.
“I know - I tell my daughters to never talk to strangers, but
those two are my baby twin girls and I wanted them to have a good first day of
school. It breaks my heart that I can’t be with them in person, but if
you could tell them I’m here and I love them, it would mean the world to me,”
he said quietly.
“I can try. I’m
sorry you died in Vierrname,” I said. He tried to smile briefly at my
inability to say the right name.
“My name is Lieutenant Bobby Wilson and I fought for my country
in Laos in Operation Dewey Canyon side by side with white soldiers. Now
my girls, Joy and Grace can go to a public school side by side with white
children in Georgia. This is truly a blessed day. I can tell you
are not like those other girls. I mean besides being able to see ghosts,
you have a gentle heart. Please be nice to my daughters,” he said.
“I will,” I said my eyes
filling with tears because I would tear my heart out if my daddy died.
The soldier bowed his head and faded off.
“Hey, little girl -don’t you go playing with those tar babies,”
I heard an angry booming voice behind me say. I jumped and saw another
ghost, an older white man in overalls and a cap. He had deep set black
eyes and what looked like a permanent scowl on his face and tobacco juice
dribbling down his chin. He was skinny and about six feet tall. I
could tell he was not a nice man.
“I’m Betty’s great grandfather, Ed Whitehead and you best let
her be your friend or else,” he said filling me with terror.
“She’s a mean girl,” I said trying to run away. The ghost
flew over my head and got into my face, his dark eyes looking into mine.
“Look girlie, this used to be my farm land and I was fine when
it was a school for whites only but now with all these - these -“ he was so mad
his mouth started to foam and he spat out more ghostly tobacco juice - “You
ain’t never been taught right - now stay with your own kind!!!” he bellowed and
faded away.
My heart was beating - I had never encountered a horrible ghost
like that before. I was running as fast as I could - my feet blistering
in those ill-fitting Hushpuppies. I was looking back when I ran into my
teacher, Miss Bentley.
“Sophia, I’ve been all over looking for you.
Please stay with the group,” she said sounding annoyed.
Great, my first 20 minutes of school and I had encountered the mean girls, a gentle soldier ghost and an old racist apparition who threatened harm if I befriended the only two people at school that I could relate to. I wanted to reach out to those girls but that old man scared the crap out of me. Maybe once I got home, I could ask Etta and she would know what to do.
Great, my first 20 minutes of school and I had encountered the mean girls, a gentle soldier ghost and an old racist apparition who threatened harm if I befriended the only two people at school that I could relate to. I wanted to reach out to those girls but that old man scared the crap out of me. Maybe once I got home, I could ask Etta and she would know what to do.
I kept to myself the rest of the day. The mean girls had
decided that I was not of their ilk so they let me be. Joy and
Grace sat together at lunch but were completely alone. I tried to remain
invisible but Miss Bentley wanted all of us to be included in everything.
At the end of the day, it was time for Share and Tell and we were all required
to participate. Most of the children seemed to have an excited look on
their face except for me and the Wilson girls. One by one, each child
got up with a wonderful tale of what they did for summer vacation - trips to
Savannah, St. Simons, Stone Mountain or a day at Six Flags. Each time
another child sat down and it got closer to me, my heart beat harder.
What was I going to say? My baby kitty Sassy got killed and I began to
see ghosts. My mother’s family reunion was fun up until the part where I told
the family secrets. My father left my mother – so yeah - it had been an
awesome summer.
I looked over at the Wilson girls and knew that even with all
the everything that I had endured it was nothing compared to losing a father in
a war. I had to think of something that happened during the summer -
something fun. Finally, it was my turn and I thought of the most fun
thing I could think of. I got up and smiled.
“This summer my Etta and me made chocolate chip cookies and we
watched I Spy and Julia together,” I said
“Is Etta your aunt?” asked Teddy, the red headed kid with
“Etta sounds like a colored name, is she colored?” asked Betty
who was getting on my last nerve.
“Etta is my bestest friend,”
I said confidently, “and for Christmas I would like a Julia Doll.” Joy
and Grace looked up smiled for the first time that day.
“We do too,” they said together. The room fell silent and for
the first time that day the other six-year-olds were for at a loss for words.
“Well,” said Miss Bentley uncomfortably, “that’s very nice
Sophia -let’s see if anyone else wants to -“
“Why would you want a
Barbie with dark skin? That’s just stupid!” exclaimed Betty throwing back her
long blond hair. Her remark made me mad and those girls needed to be
taken down a few notches.

Then the lights started to flicker and I looked to see if Miss Bentley was flashing the lights to get everyone’s attention, but she was sitting with us and nowhere near the light switch. I felt a sudden cold shock of air and there was old man Whitehead just looking at me with an image of a flaming cross behind him. There was a flash of light and then the windowless room went dark. The kids started to scream and Miss Bentley tried to reassure us.
“Children, it’s fine, just a little problem with the
lights.” She stumbled to her desk and hit the button to the intercom to
the office, “Hello, this is Miss Bentley in Kindergarten room A, our lights are
The bell for the end of school rang and the lights went back
on. The kids cheered and the Whitehead ghost was gone. We gathered up
our things walked in single file to the car pick-up lane.
I knew I had to keep my promise to Lt. Wilson. When I
saw Joy and Grace’s mother, I walked up to her.
“Hello, my name is Sophia and I gotta to tell you and your girls
something.” Mrs. Wilson looked at me quizzically. I’m pretty sure she
didn’t expect what I was about to say.
“Joy and Grace’s daddy was here today and he loves you all very
much. He misses you because he got killed in Vieername in Lousy.
But he was proud to fight with the white soldiers.”
There I had delivered the message and I didn’t care what that awful
old Whitehead ghost thought.
Mrs. Wilson just looked at me - her face going from confusion,
to happiness to sadness in just a few seconds.
“How did you know that?” she stammered.
“You saw our daddy today? He was here?” asked Joy
looking hopeful.
Grace just started to cry and said, “I miss my daddy.”
“Now Sophia, you need to come along baby girl” I heard Etta say
just as I turned to see that she was picking me up from school instead of
“I’m sorry if she upset
you,” said Etta calmly.
“It’s like you said momma, Daddy is an angel looking after us
and Sophia saw him!” said Joy excitedly. I smiled at Etta who was
concerned as she and Mrs. Wilson looked around to see if anyone else could hear
our conversation.
“It is not natural for that child to know such things,” Mrs.
Wilson whispered as she tried to comfort Grace.
“I know, but she has a gift and a good heart that’s probably why
your husband reached out to her. God gives us all gifts in different
ways,” said Etta gently.
Mrs. Wilson seemed to feel comforted that Etta felt my skill was
God-given and not devil made.
“I know — I know he’s around and I feel better that he’s looking
after the girls and me. It’s just shock to hear -“ her voice trailed off
as tears run down her face. Etta looked around once more and while the
other parents were not paying attention to our group- but in another minute or
two, that might change.
“We need to go- but it was nice meeting you and your girls, God
bless you all.” Etta and I walked away from the Wilsons as they tried
comprehend what had just happened.
We got into our white station wagon and Etta buckled me into the
back seat.
“Sophia, you were not supposed to talk to ghosts,” said
Etta sounding a little irritated.
“I know ma’am, I tried but they kept talking to me.
Especially that old man Whitehead. He is a very bad man.”
Etta gasped when I said the name Whitehead. “You saw that
man today? What did he say?”
“Well, he didn’t want my playing with Joy and Grace and
only wanted me to play with Betty - like I got to stick with my own kind.
This was his farm land and he wants whites only. When I was talking
during Show and Tell, he started to make the lights go on and off and I saw him
standing next to a burning cross. What does that mean?”
Etta looked visibly shaken. “It means you are right, he’s
a very bad man. Let’s not tell your mother okay?”
“Okay. Can I tell Grandpappy?”
I asked.
Etta smiled, “Actually I think Grandpappy might be the perfect
person to tell.”
When I got home, mother was there and told me she got caught up
in her charity bazaar meeting. She asked how the first day of school went
and how sweet little Betty was. I did not want to tell her that little
girl was a mean girl who I wanted nothing to do with.
“It was fun, we had Share and Tell - “
“What did you tell about?” my mother asked apprehensively.
“I told them how much fun I have with Etta,” I replied because
it was the truth.
My mother seemed relived and a little hurt at the same time.
Etta made me dinner and we went upstairs afterward. Mother decided
to give me a bath and to talk to me.
“Sophia, it sounds like you had quite a good first day.
I’m glad you feel like you are fitting in.”
“Yessum, momma, I’m trying as hard as I can,” I said sweetly
hoping that would keep her from asking me any more questions. I started
to play with my mermaid doll and looked down so our conversation would
end. My mother seemed satisfied with that. She dried me off and
helped me put on my night gown.
“Here you go young lady, now you can watch a little TV before
bedtime, okay?”
“Okay, mommy,” I said noticing she was more attentive than
usual. She kissed me and let Etta take over.
“Mommy was extra nice tonight,” I said.
“That’s right Sophia, your mother loves you very much – that’s
why we can’t trouble her with everything that happened today.”
We sat down to watch Julia in my room. I thought the little boy on the show was
cute. I wished he was in my class too.
“You know, me, Joy and Grace
all want a Julia doll for Christmas,” I said happily thinking that Santa would
hear me even if Christmas was still over three months away.
“I’ll let Santa know,” Etta said with a smile.
“Now, when you talk to Grandpappy
tonight tell him about Mr. Whitehead - I have a feeling he might have known
him. Please ask him to come to school with you tomorrow. If you
need extra help you can say the Lord’s Prayer like I taught you. That
prayer and Grandpappy should keep you safe,” Etta explained as she hugged me
good night. The door closed and just like clockwork, Grandpappy
“Hey there, little darling, how was the first day of school?” he
asked as he put Sassy down on my bed.
“Well, Etta thinks you can help me with an old mean ghost named
Mr. Whitehead –“
“Sweet suffering Christ,
not Ed Whitehead. I never liked that old bastard!” Grandpappy exclaimed.
“Well, his great granddaughter is a mean girl and he wants me to
be her friend and not be friends with the two black girls in my class. He
told me I had to like Betty or else and then he appeared in the classroom with
a burning cross behind him,” I was
shivering because the image and that man scared me.
“That Goddamned old piece of white trash has the balls to threaten
my great granddaughter?!!” he shouted. Sassy jumped and got under the
covers with me.
“When folks found out that he was a member of the Klan, they
stopped getting their produce from him. Not everyone around here at the
time was a racist and we wanted to put the past behind. Eventually, he couldn’t buy his way out of
trouble and the bank took his farm,” Grandpappy recounted angrily.
“Etta thought that you could come to school with me and protect
me,” I said hoping he would.
“You are Goddamned right I will- living or dead, some people
need to learn their place,” said Grandpappy with a determined tone. “You
sleep tight sugar bear, I’ve got this.”
The next day, I was ready for school and so was Grandpappy.
He sat next to me in the back seat while Mommy drove us to school. When
she let me off, I tried to leave the car fast but she insisted on waving to Betty
who just ignored us.
“Why isn’t Betty saying hello?” she asked.
“I don’t know, maybe she’s in a bad mood, it happens,” I said
“Sophia, why would she be in a bad mood?” mother asked. I
took a breath because I knew I needed to talk fast.
“Okay, she was mean to the two Wilson sisters and I stood up for them and now she doesn’t like me but the Wilson sisters do so I have friends, bye-“
“Okay, she was mean to the two Wilson sisters and I stood up for them and now she doesn’t like me but the Wilson sisters do so I have friends, bye-“
“Wait, who are the Wilson sisters?” she asked just as Joy
and Grace walked up.
“Hey Sophia, it’s okay if you see our daddy today. Grace
is not scared anymore,” said Joy smiling. Grace also smiled and
waved. They walked into school and my mother gave me a very long serious
“Those are the Wilson girls? I read in the paper their
father died in the war. His ghost talked
to you?”
Mother seemed angry and I couldn’t tell if it was because he was
a stranger ghost or because the girls were black or because the ghost was black
- I have a hard time reading her sometimes.
“Mommy, he talked to me and I tried not to but-“ just then the
bell rang and the school day was starting.
“Bye mommy!” I said as I
ran to my classroom happy to have the conversation end.
I got the room just as the Jeb who was the janitor was checking
the lights. They were flickering and there was old man Whitehead in the
corner just looking at me. This time I had back-up and I saw my Grandpappy
go over to him.
“Goddammit, Ed, you stay away from Sophia and those Wilson
girls,” he said with authority.
“Screw you, Chuck,” he retorted, “You ain’t one to be
putting on righteous aires, you ain’t always been so open to the coons around
here - I remember back in 1917 before we was shipped off to World War I when we
burned down the barn of that nig-“
“Watch it!” shouted Grandpappy.
“He looked over a white woman and we burned down his barn - you
ain’t so innocent,” said Mr. Whitehead with an air of superiority.
“I regretted that the minute we set the fire- and I never did
anything like that again. Can you say the same thing?!!” yelled Grandpappy. “The
worse thing was you brought your 12-year old son to witness it. You just
spread hate your entire life, it’s what sustained you when you were alive and
it’s all you got now that you’re dead.”
Mr. Whitehead glared at Grandpappy. He went over the Wilson girls and started to
knock books and pencils off their desks. Grandpappy tried to stop him but the
struggle caused a chair to be knocked over. Joy, Grace and the rest
of the children started to scream.
“Now children – I’m sure it was just a blast from the air
conditioner –“ said Miss Bentley as she tried to get the children to calm down
but the fear in her voice betrayed her intentions. The lights began in
flicker wildly.
“Everybody get under the tables,” I yelled with a clarity that
surprised me.
My classmates looked around and surprisingly did what I told
them to do. Miss Bentley was in a panic and tried to get to the intercom to
work to ask for more help. The lights went off just as Mr. Whitehead
grabbed Grace’s arm and started to pull her out from under the desk. She started to scream when I saw the
soldier’s fist punch him hard in the face. For a few seconds, Lt. Wilson
was visible to both his two girls.
“Get with Sophia where
you will be safe,” he commended them. The girls got under the table with
me and we all put our arms around each other.
“How dare you punch me boy - “ spewed that old nasty cracker.
“Don’t you know you could get hanged for that?”
“I’m not a boy, I’m a man and you have no right to be here -
this is not your land anymore,” said Lt. Wilson, his voice trembling with anger.
“I fought and paid the ultimate sacrifice in war so my girls could have a good
education and a chance at a decent life. You are not going to take that
from them.”
“Give it up Ed, you’re time here is gone -” said Grandpappy as
he stood shoulder to shoulder with Lt. Wilson as a protective shield between
the children and the evil entity.
“I didn’t fight for my country in WWI just to have the likes of him run
me off my land!!“ shouted Mr. Whitehead whose face was turning blood red while
his eyes became nothing but black disks of despair.
“You fought for the wrong cause Ed, you never saw how lost it
was,” said Grandpappy sadly.
“How can you say that? Our fathers were in the confederacy
- they fought like brothers-“ he responded.
“The Civil War was a sham, it was all about keeping the
lifestyle for the rich. Our fathers were pawns for the wealthy landowners
who didn’t give a shit who got killed as long as they could keep their slaves. It wasn’t about honor or states’ rights it
was just about pure fucking greed,” exclaimed Grandpappy.
“I’ll show you!!” he bellowed.
The classroom door slammed shut and the room started to shake. Ed Whitehead expanded to the size of the
ceiling - his face filling with more blood.
His eyes started to roll back and then made a sick pulsing sound. The
smell of foul decay was in the air.
Slimy droplets of blood started to splat on little desks. Suddenly two red dragons with Klan hoods came
out of his eyes. Miss Bentley was screaming
into the intercom.
“Please, we need help- we’re locked in, the lights are out and
there is a horrible smell in the room-please hurry!” she begged as the sounds
of little children crying were heard in the background. Jeb tried to open the door but it would not
The bloody dragons started to lunge at Lt. Wilson and Grandpappy. The reptiles’ mouths opened wide ready to
devour anything it their way. Their fangs got closer and closer but Grandpappy
and Lt. Wilson would not move because they were the only barrier standing
between the dragons and us. The snakes started to dip around the ghostly
men so that they could get to the living children who were sobbing out of sheer
terror. There was a sound from the other
side of the door of adults trying to get in. My heart was beating so loudly I
was sure that Joy and Grace cold hear it.
I closed my eyes and remembered the prayer Etta told me to say.
“Our father who art in Heaven - Hallowed be thy name,” I started
to say aloud.
“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in
heaven,” continued Joy and Grace. The rest of the children joined in and
continued with the prayer.
“Give us this day our
daily bread; and forgive us our tree passes as we forgive those who tree pass
against us,” the sound of the children’s voices kept going on even if we didn’t
understand what trespassing was – the intention was there.
All the kids started to hold hands during the prayer.
Betty who was next the Wilson girls reached over and held their hands as we all
huddled under the desks as the sound of foul smelling blood rain continued to
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
When Old Man Whitehead saw his granddaughter holding the hands
of the black girls, he looked like he had been shot in the heart.
“NOOO!!” he shrieked. The dragon snakes started to tremble. They tangled with each other and made a sick
hissing sound. They started to recoil
back into back into Ed Whitehead’s face. The
sticky sound of blood rain started to get lighter and he started to shrink back
into the little man he was – bitter and alone.
Then there was the sound of a portal opening like a rock that was
rolling away from a cave.
“You got one chance at redemption, you gonna take it Ed?” asked
as the ceiling started to swirl looking like turquoise clouds against a blue and purple sky –
it was pretty and I hoped it would stay that way.
“Renounce what you’ve done and ask for forgiveness,” commended
Lt. Wilson.
“Hell no, my pappy was
right, my Granddaddy was right – his father before him – we were right. God made us the superior race. I ain’t going against them, we were right -
Goddammit, we were always right!”
The ceiling started to turn from white to black and had the
terrible pattern of gray clouds right before a tornado touched earth. There was a funnel of spirits in dark robes
but their faces were nothing but a black mask with two red eyes in the
center. They started to circle around
Mr. Whitehead. His human features started to melt off his body. His face exposing muscle and then a skull. He arms and legs were pulled like long
strings into the vortex - he was screaming taking one last gasp to hold
on. He was finally completely pulled into the vacuum and the roof closed.
I looked up and I could see that it was back to the white ceiling tiles with a
few pieces of gum and pencils stuck to them.
“It looks like that old peck of wood is gone for good,” said Grandpappy
“Thank you for standing with me,” replied Lt. Wilson.
“I have been trying to redeem myself for - for what I did – that
wasn’t me – I just got pulled in with the wrong people – I’m so sorry-“
“If you were not forgiven, you would have gone with him - but
you got a good heart like Sophia,” explained Lt. Wilson. “I realize
now that maybe I needed to be here for my girls like this so I could protect
them from evil spirits. Now I can be at
peace with what happened. Sophia tell
Joy and Grace I’ll always be around to look after them and they can talk to me
anytime. I love them but that goes
without saying.”
“I’ll still say it.
They’ll know how brave you were and how much you love them – that love
never goes away,” I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.
For the first time, I saw Lt. Robert Wilson smile. He
walked over to his girls, kissed their heads and faded out. Grandpappy smiled at me, touched my face and
faded out as well.
The lights came back on and the bloody droplets looked like
spilt corn syrup – it was sticky but did not appear to be dragon blood.
They finally got the door unlocked and when the other teachers
arrived, they attributed the mess and noise to the black out. The class
got out from under their desks – shaken but since I was the only one who could
see what was going on they were literally in the dark about what happened.
“It’s okay children – I guess we had an energy surge of some
kind, it’s all fine,” Miss Bentley said as she smoothed her hair and tried to regain
her composure.
Unfortunately, she got in a little bit of trouble because the
people in the office heard us praying (which apparently you can’t do in public
school even if you are under an attack from a demonic entity). We were
all allowed to go to recess while the Jeb and his crew inspected the lights and
cleaned off the desks.
“I saw my daddy,” said Joy.
“Me too,” said
Grace. “He’s around watching over us.”
“I got my Grandpappy watching over me too,” I said smiling
trying to focus on them and the sunlight instead of all things I had just seen
and heard.
I would tell Etta everything when she picked me up from school and I would properly thank Grandpappy at bedtime. But for the rest of the day, I didn’t feel like an outsider. For the first time in months, I was just a little girl trying to master the fine art of box ball. Best of all, me and the Wilson girls got to have lunch together.
I would tell Etta everything when she picked me up from school and I would properly thank Grandpappy at bedtime. But for the rest of the day, I didn’t feel like an outsider. For the first time in months, I was just a little girl trying to master the fine art of box ball. Best of all, me and the Wilson girls got to have lunch together.